A. Change the sentences below to Passive Voice1.We should eat fruits

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari d4rry1741 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Change the sentences below to Passive Voice1.We should eat fruits before the main meal

2.Alcoholic food and drink make people unhealthy

3.We can prevent our body from covid-19 by work from home

4.Scientists have found vaccines to prevent human from Corona Virus

5.People are using mask to avoid them from another people droplet

B. Change to Active Voice

1.The room was decorated for the party by us

2.We are punished for being late to collet our assignment by our teacher

3.Vaccines had been found a to prevent human from Corona Virus by scientist

4.Mask should be used to avoid them from another people droplet by people

5.Masks are being used to avoid them from another people droplet by people

bantu jawab DL hari ini jam 12

A.	Change the sentences below to Passive Voice1.We should eat fruits before the main meal 2.Alcoholic food and drink make people unhealthy3.We can prevent our body from covid-19 by work from home4.Scientists have found vaccines to prevent human from Corona Virus5.People are using mask to avoid them from another people dropletB.	Change to Active Voice1.The room was decorated for the party by us2.We are punished for being late to collet our assignment by our teacher3.Vaccines had been found a to prevent human from Corona Virus by scientist4.Mask should be used to avoid them from another people droplet by people5.Masks are being used to avoid them from another people droplet by peoplebantu jawab DL hari ini jam 12 ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the fruits should be eaten before the meal by us

2. alcholic foo d and drink are making people unhealthy

3. our body can be prevented by us from covid-19 by work from home

4. vaccines have been found by scientists to prevent human from Corona Virus

5. mask are used by people to avoid them from another people droplet

1. we decorated the room for the party

2. our teacher punished us for being late to collect our assignment

3. scientist have found a Vaccines to prevent human from Corona Virus

4. people should be using Mask to avoid them from another people droplet

5. people are using Masks to avoid them from another people droplet

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh kayleenlavina28 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jul 21