• What do you think of my tumbler? • Wow!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aim59 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

• What do you think of my tumbler? • Wow! ..... It unique. It looks like a robot. Where did you buy it? : From an online shop. Do you want to buy one? : I do. You know, I ...... fond of unique items. Will you order one for me? Sure​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Dialog 2

Reno : What do you think of my tumbler?

Mitha : Wow! It is unique. It looks like a robot. Where did you buy it?

Reno: From an online shop. Do you want to buy one?

Mitha : I do. You know, I am fond of unique items. will you order one for me?

Reno : Sure.

Dialog 3

Sita: You look pale. I hope everything is all right.

Diaz: I am fine, but I feel a bit tired.

Sita: Why don't you have a rest?

Diaz: In a moment, please. I am going to have a shower first.

Sita: O.K.

Dialog 4

Tomy : What do you think of the new building?

Rani : It is very artistic.

Tomy : You're right. The architects are very talented in combining the traditional and modern ornaments.

Rani : I agree with you.

Dialog 5

Dani : Look at the ducks in the lake. What do you think?

Anggi : They are very active. They are swimming happily.

Dani : You know, the feathers are always dry they swim.

Anggi : I know. They have waterproof feathers.


Untuk dialog 1 mungkin seperti ini.

Dialog 1

Gerry: What are you reading?

Alya: Facts about cows.

Gerry: What are interesting facts about cows?

Alya: They are smart. They have an excellent sense of smell. They can detect odors 5-6 miles.



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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22