Read the dialogue and answer the questions below it carefully!Tania

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizkipurnamasari9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the dialogue and answer the questions below it carefully!Tania : Hi, Dika. I just experienced an embarrassing moment yesterday.
Andika : Hi, Tania. Really? What happened?
: I was in the cinema inside Damara Mall yesterday with my sisters. There, when we
were queueing for the ticket, I saw someone who looked like you.
Andika : Really? I didn't go to the mall though.
Tania : That's my point. That's why it was an embarrassing moment.
Andika : Did you greet him?
Tania : I did. I tapped his shoulder hard to make him turn. I even greeted him loudly!
Andika : Haha. I can imagine how embarrassed you were. How did that boy react?
Tania : He turned and gave me confused look. I was so embarrassed that I went away and left
my sisters there.
Andika : Owh, poor you. Did you cancel watching the movie then?
Tania : Of course, not. My younger sister ran after me while my older sister bought the tickets
for us.
Andika : I'm glad to know that you didn't think about it too much.
Tania : I still felt embarrassed but I just laughed at myself. That really helps, you know.
Andika : Surely.
1. What did Tania tell to Dika?
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
3. Where was Tania when she got the moment?
4. What did Tania do to the boy who looked like her friend?
5. If you were Tania, what will you do after getting the moment? HOTS​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.told to dika about experienced an embarrassing moment ada yg digaris kata2 yg di dialognya jadi gda jawaban the mall (at the cinema)

4.she tapped his shoulder hard to make him turn. I even greeted him loudly!

5.laughed at myself

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Last Update: Fri, 04 Jun 21