Temukan subject dan verb pada setiap kalimat dalam teks berikut

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Temukan subject dan verb pada setiap kalimat dalam teks berikut ini. Garis bawahi subject dan tebalkan verb tersebut. (skor maksimal = 50)Traffic Accident

A fuel truck lost control while speeding on the Mangunraharjo road, Surabaya, and suffered a serious accident. The truck crashed a motorcycle that came from the opposite direction and burned. A pedestrian who saw the incident said that the fuel truck was seen speeding then all of sudden swerved and hit a motorcyclist who came from the front on 1st December 2014. This incident made the motorcycle rider was killed instantly after being hit by the truck while the truck driver suffered serious injuries to the chest and head. 30 minutes after the incident, the police came to investigate the Accident. After doing an investigation, they found the cause that the driver was sleepy when driving the truck. In addition to the brake that didn’t work so he couldn’t control his truck and hit the victim. The current truck driver had been taken to Doa Ibu hospital to be treated.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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A fuel truck lostcontrol whilespeeding on the Mangunraharjo road, Surabaya, and suffered a serious accident. The truck crashed a motorcycle that came from the opposite direction and burned. A pedestrian who saw the incident saidthatthe fuel truck was seen speedingthen all of suddenswerved and hita motorcyclist whocame from the front on 1st December 2014. This incident madethe motorcycle riderwas killedinstantly after being hit by the truck whilethe truck driver suffered serious injuries to the chest and head. 30 minutes after the incident, the police cametoinvestigate the Accident. After doing an investigation, they foundthe cause thatthe driver was sleepy when driving the truck. In addition to the brake that didn’t worksohe couldn’t controlhis truck andhit the victim. The current truck driverhad beentakento Doa Ibu hospital tobe treated.


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Last Update: Tue, 09 Aug 22