SOAL:1. what is definition of the Analytical Exposition text?..2. What

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SOAL:1. what is definition of the Analytical Exposition text?..
2. What is the purpose of the Analytical Exposition text?.
3. what is sosial function of the Analytical Exposition text.?
4. what is the generic structure of the Analytical Exposition text?
5. Find out the example of text above?.
6. from the text find out the language features of text.?.
7. Look for the text organisatotion of the text.?...
8. what is the main idea from the first paragraf.?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

2. an analytical exposition text is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case.

3. trying to convince the reader to believe something by giving one side of opinion only.

4. thesis, argumenta, and reiteration in thesis, there is an introductory argument.

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21