My Favorite BagI have a bag. It is a backpack.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jenniverzaki pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

My Favorite BagI have a bag. It is a backpack. My brother gave it to me as my birthday gift. It is not an expensive
bag but it is really beautiful. Its colour is purple and black. It has two small pockets in the left and
the right side, and a big pocket in the front of the bag.
There are the pictures of flowers around my bag. The color of the flowers are pink. They are
roses. My bag is made of fabric. Thus, it can easily wet if rain comes. My bag is not really big but
it is not small either. It suits my height which is not really tall.
I put my books in the first slot. In the second slot, I put my pencil case and an umbrella. I can
put anything tidily in my bag. Therefore, I really love my bag.
1. What does the bag look like?
2.How many pockets are in the bag?
3.What is the material of the bag?
4Where does the writer put her books?
5.Find out the generic structure of the text!

tolong saya kak.. tugas anak mamanya gak tau bahasa Inggris.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The bag is beautiful. It's colored in purple and black.

2. There are two small pockets on the left and the right side, and a big pocket on the front side of the bag.

3. The bag is made of fabric

4. The writer puts her books inside the first slot of the bag

5. A descriptive text has two generic structures. They are identification and description

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21