1. He called me as a fool.a) calledb) asc) a✔️2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari piettercarx pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. He called me as a fool.a) called

b) as

c) a✔️

2. This is the house where Jack was born in.

a) where

b) was

c) in✔️

3. I have visited them a couple of times during my stay in Mexico.

a) have

b) couple

c) of

4. I live half of a mile from here.

a) half

b) of

c) a

5. I don’t think so that I will have time.

a) so

b) that

c) will

6. Despite of having a headache I enjoyed the film.

a) despite

b) of

c) having

7. He asked to her why she was angry.

a) to

b) why

c) was

8. He was very kind enough to invite me.

a) very

b) enough

c) to

9. I have bought a chicken in case of Peter stays to lunch.

a) in case

b) of

c) to

10. I want to know as to why I have been detained.

a) as to

b) why

c) been


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


3. b) couple

4. a) half

5. c) will

6. a) despite

7. c) was

8. c) to

9. a) in case

10. b) why


=> Hope it help you ;)

=> Jangan lupa di kasih jwaban tercerdas ya :)

               semoga kamu terbantu

Jawaban:3. b) couple4. a) half5. c) will6. a) despite7. c) was8. c) to9. a) in case10. b) whyPenjelasan:=> Hope it help you ;)=> Jangan lupa di kasih jwaban tercerdas ya :)                semoga kamu terbantu

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jul 21