Julia and Felia ……. 1(to be) students of Faculty of

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Julia and Felia ……. 1(to be) students of Faculty of Economics of Bina Bangsa University. Julia likes…… 2(read) better than watching TV. Meanwhile Felia prefers …… 3(watch) the movies to the news. Now They …. 4(to be) at the second semester majoring Management. They ….. 5(not, go) to campus by public transportation but motorcycle. Julia ….. 6(have) two close friends. Their names …… 7(to be) Flora and Andri. They always help each other, especially Andri, considered as the best and smartest one among them, he always .….. 8(support) his friends to study hard. They have …… 9(study) at Faculty of Economics of Bina Bangsa University for almost one year. They are very diligent students. Almost everyday they always discuss the subjects. They also visit library twice a week, because …… 10(read) is their hobby.

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Last Update: Sun, 01 Aug 21