E 1. Mamad and Juki are in the canteen. (

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fabianrivano11 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

E 1. Mamad and Juki are in the canteen. ( ( 2. Mamad has played bentengen before. () 3. Juki asks Mamad to join the game with him. 4. Each group in the game consists of 3 to 5 people, () 5. We cannot use a wall as a base. 6. We can use a stone as a base. 7. We cannot touch an opponent's body while playing ( ) 1. 2. the game. 3. 8. Mamad and Juki are going to play bentengan after school C 4. 9. We win the game by touching our opponent's base and shouting the word benteng. 10. Juki and Mamad will meet at two o'clock. 5.​
E 1. Mamad and Juki are in the canteen. ( ( 2. Mamad has played bentengen before. () 3. Juki asks Mamad to join the game with him. 4. Each group in the game consists of 3 to 5 people, () 5. We cannot use a wall as a base. 6. We can use a stone as a base. 7. We cannot touch an opponent's body while playing ( ) 1. 2. the game. 3. 8. Mamad and Juki are going to play bentengan after school C 4. 9. We win the game by touching our opponent's base and shouting the word benteng. 10. Juki and Mamad will meet at two o'clock. 5.​

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Maaf ya aku jawabnya gini

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22