Dialogue II Affandy: Hi, Harry. This is my wife, Anna. And

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Dindanita pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Dialogue IIAffandy: Hi, Harry. This is my wife, Anna. And this is my son, Arga.
Harry: How do you do? How do you do, Little Boy?
Anna: How do you do?
Area: It’s nice to meet you, Mr…….er……….
Harry: Just call me Harry.
Affandy: What are you doing here?
Harry: I am picking up my wife. She works here.
Affandy: What does she do?
Harry: She is an accountant.
Affandy: Oh I see. How long have you been married?
Harry: It has been four months.
Affandy: I don’t know you’ve married.
Harry: I am sorry I didn’t invite you. We married in Spain. She is Spaniard. There she is coming. Betty, this is Affandy, my old friend, and these are Anna and their son Arga.
Betty: How do you do, Everybody?
Arga: How do you do? I am glad to meet you, Mrs. Betty
Harry: Why don’t we just go for a drink? There’s a new restaurant here.
Affandy: Thanks, Harry, we’re going shopping. See you later.
Harry & Betty: See you later!

Answer the question below based on the dialogue above
4. How many people are in the dialogue?
Answer : _____________________________________.
5. Who is Harry?
Answer : _____________________________________.
6. How does Affandy introduce her wife to Harry?
Answer : _____________________________________.
7. What is Harry doing?
Answer : _____________________________________.
8. What does Betty do?
Answer : _____________________________________.
9. What does Arga reply to Betty’s introduction?
Answer : _____________________________________.
10. Why does Affandy decline to drink?
Answer : _____________________________

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



5.Harry is Affandy old friend and Betty's husband

6."This is my wife ,Anna"

7.Picking up his wife

8.Working as an accountant

9."How do you do? I am glad to meet you, Mrs. Betty"

10.Because his family are going for shopping

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Last Update: Thu, 26 Aug 21