Git Add Error Bad Signature 0x00000000 Fatal

[Solved] Git Add Error Bad Signature 0x00000000 Fatal | Php - Code Explorer |
Question : git add . error: bad signature 0x00000000 fatal: index file corrupt

Answered by : muiz-ather

// If the problem is with the index as the staging area for commits
// (i.e. .git/index), you can simply remove the index (make a backup copy
// if you want), and then restore index to version in the last commit:
// On OSX/Linux/Windows(With Git bash):
rm -f .git/index
git reset
// On Windows (with CMD and not git bash):
del .git\index
git reset
// (The reset command above is the same as git reset --mixed HEAD)

Source : | Last Update : Fri, 12 Aug 22

Question : error: bad signature 0x00000000 fatal: index file corrupt

Answered by : cloudy-caterpillar-s06rfimyqb9h

Cloudy Caterpillar

Source : | Last Update : Tue, 26 Mar 24

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